Sober living

What Are Whip-Its? Dangers Of Use And Abuse

what is whipit

Whippits produce an odorless nitrous oxide gas found in steel canisters. These steel canisters are typically used for whipped cream cans. The nitrous oxide canisters used as whippits are also used to refill whipped cream or balloon dispensers. That’s the way a lot of people die of drug overdose,” Leslie said. So just like when you’re super drunk, it’s a good idea not to lie flat on your back if you’ve just been doing whippits. Nitrous oxide, the key component of whippets, consists of two nitrogen atoms bonded to a single oxygen atom.

Again, the high from inhaling nitrous oxide only lasts a few seconds. To continue the high, users will sometimes use repeatedly over a short period of time. Whippets aren’t risk-free; they can cause fainting or cardiac arrest when using other depressants or stimulant drugs. If inhaled directly, the drug can cause frostbite, given the pressurized canisters they are dispensed from can reach temperatures as cold as negative 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do I Need to Complete a Whippit Detox Program?

At Harmony Ridge, we treat various types of substance use disorders, including nitrous oxide addictions. We’re able to offer evidence-based treatments to help individuals overcome their substance use disorders safely in West Virginia. Whippits are small cartridges of an invisible gas called nitrous oxide. In order to use whippits, individuals use a whipped cream dispenser with a sharp pin to break into a seal and inhale the nitrous oxide that comes out.

Additionally, repeated use of whippets over time can severely decrease the oxygen available in your blood. That can put enormous pressure on your organs and lead to kidney disease and liver damage. Abusing inhalants like whippets over time can cause significant damage, particularly to your muscles, kidneys and liver.

  1. That is a psychoactive chemical also known as “laughing gas,” which is commonly used by dentists and other medical professionals, that can produce euphoric effects.
  2. Different people and organizations spell the term differently.
  3. Nitrous oxide may also damage blood cells, the liver and kidneys.

Luckily, a nitrous oxide addiction is treatable what is whipit with the right help. When used in a supervised setting under the care of a medical professional, nitric oxide is a very safe inhalational anesthetic. However, recreational whippets drug abuse can be potentially hazardous, resulting in hypoxia (lack of oxygen), severe hypotension (low blood pressure), unconsciousness, overdose, and death from asphyxiation.

Why Is There A Rumor That Kanye West Uses Nitrous Oxide?

what is whipit

A simple trip to the local grocery store can yield nitrous oxide in the form of whipped cream canisters.State laws can and do regulate the sale and use of nitrous oxide, however. There are more severe nitrous oxide side effects if you use them a lot. According to Forcier, nitrous oxide can affect the prefrontal cortex, which contains your brain’s areas of learning, decision making, and memory. Neurologic damage can occur after chronic use, especially in young people and teens. “Because nitrous oxide displaces oxygen from blood cells, depresses the central nervous system, and can strain the heart, sudden death can occur, especially with extended or repeated inhalations,” Forcier says.

Long-Term Whip-Its Side Effects

This colorless gas, often found in whipped cream dispensers or cartridges, carries a potent psychoactive effect when inhaled, leading to a temporary high sought after by recreational users. However, beneath the surface allure lies a multitude of dangers and risks, making it imperative to delve deeper into understanding whippets. The long-term effects of abusing whippets are potentially far more damaging and even life-threatening.

In case you’re confused, whippits, whippets, and whip-its all refer to nitrous oxide being used as a recreational drug. Whippits are a type of inhalant, which, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is an inhaled drug that is easily accessible and common in the home. Even though nitrous oxide addictions aren’t particularly common, a few celebrities have become victims of nitrous oxide abuse.